Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

Perceptions of Istanbul's Historical Monuments Survey

In collaboration with Istanbul Technical University, NIT has created a survey to understand people's perceptions of Istanbul's historical monuments.

Istanbul: the city on two continents and capital of world empires.

Do you live in Istanbul, or have you ever been to Istanbul? We are looking for YOU! Please take 5-10 minutes to fill in our survey in English or in Turkish to let us know what you think about Istanbul’s historical monuments.

You are invited to participate in a cultural heritage survey titled Perceptions of Istanbul’s Historical Monuments conducted by Istanbul Technical University and the Netherlands Institute in Turkey. The purpose of this survey is to identify attitudes toward the historical monuments of Istanbul. 

Your responses are completely anonymous. Your information will not be shared with third parties.
If you have any questions about the survey, please email us at nit@nit-istanbul.org.

We appreciate your input.

Image: Historical peninsula of Istanbul (Ceren Abi)