Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

22 Mar '23 Publication

New article by NIT Staff: Revitalizing Istanbul’s Water Heritage: The Valens Aqueduct

We are happy to announce the new Blue Paper article written by Dr. Mariëtte Verhoeven (Radboud University), Dr. Fokke Gerritsen (NIT) and Dr. Özgün Özçakır (METU).

The article "Revitalizing Istanbul’s Water Heritage: The Valens Aqueduct" focuses on the Valens Aqueduct as it showcases the challenge to tackle the challenges of developing a greater awareness of the value of water and restoring the relationship between water and heritage. The article discusses some of the outcomes of the Engaging with Istanbul's Water Heritage: Exploring Sustainable Ways to Create Public Awareness Workshop and the Water Heritage for Sustainable Cities Course organized in the autumn of 2022. You can read and download the article for free here.

The ancient Valens Aqueduct in the metropolis of Istanbul, Türkiye, has the potential to raise public awareness of historical water management as well as of current and future water supply challenges. This monument stands as a highly visible remnant of what was once the longest water supply line of the Roman world. Although recognized and preserved as a heritage object testifying to its multi-layered history, it has lost its original function and its relationship to water management. We present a program that aims to develop solutions for revitalizing its tangible and intangible values as a prime example of water supply, management and culture through the ages. In this way, this heritage object can regain a connection with water, and water can become an engine for sustainable development.


An aerial view of Valens Aqueduct (photographer: M. Erem Çalıkoğlu), SALT Research (uri: https://archives.saltresearch.org/handle/123456789/7105). Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.