Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

9 Apr 08:45

Conference Travelers in Ottoman Lands, Places Forgotten, Places Remembered

Sabancı University – Minerva Han and ANAMED Auditorium

9 Apr 08:45 - 12 Apr 16:00

The Travellers in Ottoman Lands Seminar Three (TIOL3) Places forgotten, Places Remembered Conference will be held in Istanbul between 9 – 12 April 2025. Three days of presentation sessions in the historical neighbourhoods of Karaköy and Beyoğlu will be followed by one day of excursions. 

The Seminar is presented by Travellers in Ottoman Lands, in association with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Sabancı University, the Netherlands Institute in Turkey (NIT), the British Institute at Ankara (BIAA), The Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE), and Cornucopia, The Magazine for Connoisseurs of Turkey.

Go here to view and download the conference programme.

For enquiries about the conference please send an email to Dr. Marloes Cornelissen at
marloes.cornelissen@sabanciuniv.edu or to ottomanlandsastene@gmail.com. Go to the seminar's website for further details about conference fees and registration.

Contact person

Dr. Marloes Cornelissen