Hollanda Araştırma Enstitüsü  -  Nederlands Instituut in Turkije

10 Jan 10:30

Workshop First Anatolian Chalcolithic Workshop


10 Jan 10:30 - 18:00

You are invited to the first meeting of the new initiative of the Anatolian Chalcolithic Workshop on January 10, 2025. This workshop will be online, you can register for the event here

The Anatolian Chalcolithic Workshop is a new initiative that aims to offer a platform for dialogue and exchange for all those interested in scientific research on the Chalcolithic Period in Anatolia.


First Anatolian Chalcolithic Workshop Preliminary Program

10.30-10.45     Introduction

10.45-12.30     Session 1

10.45-11.05      A new Chalcolithic site in Central Anatolia: Büyük Deller

Pınar Çaylı

11.05-11.25      The Late-Post Ubaid Expansion at Aksaray

Işıl Demirtaş


11.25-11.35      Coffee Break


11.35-11.55      Technological Evolution and Cultural Interactions at Zeytinli Bahçe Höyük: A Petrographic Study of Late Chalcolithic Ceramics

Rosa Crocco, Pamela Fragnoli, Marcella Frangipane, Francesca Balossi Restelli

11.55-12.15      New Finds from the Chalcolithic Period and the Transition to the Early Bronze Age at Tatarlı Höyük

K. Serdar Girginer, Özlem Oyman-Girginer, Muaz Koçak

12.15-12.30      Q&A


12.30-13.10     Lunch break


13.10-15.15      Session 2

13.10-13.30      From Ubaid to the Late Chalcolithic in Eastern Anatolia

Francesca Balossi Restelli, Elisa Biancifiori, Marco Iamoni, Maddalena Scattini

13.30-13.50     Chalcolithic Settlements in Cilicia: Insights from the Central Taurus and Çukurova

Orkun Hamza Kaycı


13.50-14.00     Coffee Break


14.00-14.20     The Early Chalcolithic at Mersin-Yumuktepe

Giulio Palumbi

14.20-14.40     The Late Chalcolithic Sequence at Mersin-Yumuktepe

Isabella Caneva


14.40-15.00    The non-urban hierarchical agricultural economy at Yumuktepe in the Vth millennium BC

Burhan Ulaş


15.00-15.15      Q&A


15.15-15.30      Coffee break


15.30-17.15      Session 3

15.30-15.50     In the Light of New Survey Data: The Chalcolithic Period of Kuseyr Plateau (Hatay, Turkey)

Canan Karataş

15.50-16.10      Tell Kurdu Excavations. Introducing a new Chalcolithic Project in Hatay

Rana Özbal, Fokke Gerritsen


16.10-16.20      Coffee Break


16.20-16.40     The Emergence of Regionalisms in South-Eastern Anatolia: Glimpses of Trajectories in the Ceramic Repertoires between the HUT (Halaf-Ubaid Transition) and the Early 5th Millennium BCE

Luca Volpi

16.40-17.00     Reconsidering Animal Management Practices at 5th and 6th Millennium Tell Kurdu

Hannah Lau

17.00-17.15       Q&A


17.15-18.00      Discussion